
Buying metro exodus steam key
Buying metro exodus steam key

  1. #Buying metro exodus steam key for free
  2. #Buying metro exodus steam key how to

  • Embark on an incredible journey - board the Aurora, a heavily modified steam locomotive, and join a handful of survivors as they search for a new life in the East.
  • Inspired by the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro Exodus continues Artyom’s story in the greatest Metro adventure yet. Metro Exodus is an epic, story-driven first person shooter from 4A Games that blends deadly combat and stealth with exploration and survival horror in one of the most immersive game worlds ever created.Įxplore the Russian wilderness across vast, non-linear levels and follow a thrilling story-line that spans an entire year through spring, summer and autumn to the depths of nuclear winter. They have struggled against the poisoned elements, fought mutated beasts and paranormal horrors, and suffered the flames of civil war.īut now, as Artyom, you must flee the Metro and lead a band of Spartan Rangers on an incredible, continent-spanning journey across post-apocalyptic Russia in search of a new life in the East.

    #Buying metro exodus steam key how to

    Please check here how to access Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition on GOG.Ī quarter-century after nuclear war devastated the earth, a few thousand survivors still cling to existence beneath the ruins of Moscow, in the tunnels of the Metro.

    #Buying metro exodus steam key for free

    A Ray Tracing capable GPU is the minimum spec for this beast, and you can upgrade right now for free if you own Metro Exodus. Upgrades include DLSS 2.0 Inclusion, Ray Traced Emissive Lighting used throughout, FOV slider, increased framerates and display resolutions. The Metro Exodus PC Enhanced Edition is free for all existing owners of Metro Exodus on PC, but the upgrade is so extensive, it can not be delivered as a patch - instead, it is available as a separate entitlement. The Metro Exodus PC Enhanced Edition is out now! The radical update which harnesses the power of Ray Tracing capable GPUs to deliver an incredible visual upgrade.

    Buying metro exodus steam key